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Lens on Korea/Architectures

Myeongdong Apple Store filled with emotion and architectural detail (Foster & Partners) / Must visit place in Seoul

by ALens 2024. 7. 17.

Myeongdong Apple Store in Seoul

Korea's largest Apple Store opened in Myeong-dong. Yes, that's right, it's the emotional 'Apple Store' that can be found in New York or Europe. It's a beautiful store that makes you think, 'That's Apple' even when you look at it from afar.

It seems like the interior design language found in New York, Milan, and Singapore is still used, but there are also small new attempts. If you take a closer look at the details even if you already know that from a picture or magazine, you must believe the thought that 'Forster + Partners' is truly a masterpiece architect. 


If you are interested in any design including architecture, I would definitely recommend stopping by. You will see a building as full of emotion as an iPhone.


When you think of overseas Apple stores, maybe the image that comes to mind is a huge glass box with no visible frame. Myungdong Apple store also has the same image, but it is a little bit unique. It was arranging huge glass horizontally. As far as I know, this is the first attempt like this. Until now, the facade of every Apple store had been planned with the glass standing upright. 

Which detail is better? Well, personally, I think the existing vertical arrangement is better. because the joint structure between glasses could be hidden to use a rib glass which gives a more transparent feel. When glass is placed horizontally, a thin opaque structure (transom) must be installed, so a horizontal black line is bound to be visible.


The interior and exterior are not much different from overseas Apple stores. Well, in a way, the overall interior feels like a mixture of 'Singapore's Orchard Road Apple Store' and 'China's Hangzhou Apple Store'. Anyway, in a good sense, the brand identity is realized through architecture, and it has unity. We can see that Apple is successfully appealing its brand identity.


[Interesting details]


Look at how the indoor and outdoor finishes are planned to be continuous. This design makes the indoor and outdoor spaces feel like one surface and makes the glass wall visually more transparent like being not. When I saw that even the joint lines of the floor stone tiles were designed to match up, I was once again surprised at how Foster+Partners designs across scales.


The details applied to indoor and outdoor tree planting are also very interesting. Actually, I have already seen this detail planted continuously inside and outside the store (Orchard Road, Singapore). But I think Myungdong Apple store might look to have become sophisticated and evolved once again. I thought this was really cool and beautiful. Of course, 'What if the tree dies?' Let's leave the maintenance issues aside for a moment. It's like a few inconveniences could be ignored for the completeness of iPhone design. just kidding. 


Look at the details of the stairs you encounter when going up to the second floor. I have never seen granite stairs so thin and elaborate. It's like a thin stone floating in the air. 


I knew such clean and transparent railings might have been really installed. This is a large and long railing made of laminated glass itself without any frame or support. I think this is really great. Most of all, the designers who drew these details and manufacturers who made this glass! It is a design that makes me reflect on myself with the design of handrails under the pretext of safety and cost. 


Windbreak room made of glass box. Even the roof of the windbreak room is transparent glass. That means it was a simple but difficult solution without any equipment or lighting. I can realize the architect's efforts to carefully design the small space and even each small item to match the overall store concept.


Simple and clean Indoors. where is the air conditioning equipment? Where's the diffuser? Look under the desk where the products are displayed. You could see a hidden diffuser. Actually, it is so difficult to find it unless you look carefully.  This probably means that the location of the furniture was carefully reviewed and planned.


Installed trench in the outdoors. It's hidden so you might pass by. Even this part was designed in such detail... isn't it awe-inspiring? The entire space feels like one, but each item has a beautiful design.


Apple Store Myeongdong in Seoul is a fun space full of emotion and detail. And it is especially interesting to be able to see the works of Norman Foster, a master architect, up close. Above all, the reason why this design felt more valuable was because I thought that only when there is Apple believes in and supports the ideas and new attempts presented by the architect. Like that store.

I think these are design companies that I can't help but recognize. Both ‘Foster + Partners' and ‘Apple’.


