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Architect's Lens/Construction Management

Pull System and Just-in-Time (JIT)

by ALens 2023. 3. 13.

Pull System and Just-in-Time (JIT)



The Pull System and Just-in-Time (JIT) are key concepts in Lean Construction that are used to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of construction projects. They are based on the principle of producing only what is needed, when it is needed, and in the quantity needed.


Pull System

The Pull System is a method of production control that uses demand to drive the production process. It is based on the principle of producing only what is needed, when it is needed, and in the quantity needed. In the Pull System, work is only started on a construction task when there is a demand for it, rather than producing work in advance and then storing it until it is needed.


Just-in-Time (JIT)

Just-in-Time (JIT) is a production control method that is based on the Pull System. It involves producing work only when it is needed, and in the exact quantity needed. JIT aims to eliminate waste and improve the efficiency of the production process.

Benefits of Pull System and JIT

  1. Reduced Waste: By producing only what is needed, when it is needed, and in the quantity needed, the Pull System and JIT reduce waste in construction projects.
  2. Improved Efficiency: By eliminating waste and optimizing the production process, the Pull System and JIT improve the efficiency of construction projects.
  3. Increased Productivity: By optimizing the production process, the Pull System and JIT lead to increased productivity in construction projects.
  4. Enhanced Collaboration: The Pull System and JIT require collaboration between all stakeholders in a construction project, which leads to enhanced collaboration in construction projects.
  5. Improved Quality: By producing only what is needed, when it is needed, and in the quantity needed, the Pull System and JIT lead to improved quality in construction projects.

Implementing Pull System and JIT

  1. Define the scope of the Pull System and JIT: The first step in implementing the Pull System and JIT is to define the scope of the project and identify the work that will be covered by the Pull System and JIT.
  2. Train all stakeholders: All stakeholders in the construction project must be trained in the principles and practices of the Pull System and JIT.
  3. Implement the Pull System and JIT: The next step is to implement the Pull System and JIT in the construction project.
  4. Monitor and review: The final step is to monitor and review the implementation of the Pull System and JIT, and make adjustments as needed to optimize the production process.


The Pull System and Just-in-Time (JIT) are key concepts in Lean Construction that are used to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of construction projects. They are based on the principle of producing only what is needed, when it is needed, and in the quantity needed. The benefits of the Pull System and JIT include reduced waste, improved efficiency, increased productivity, enhanced collaboration, and improved quality. To implement the Pull System and JIT, it is important to define the scope of the project, train all stakeholders, implement the Pull System and JIT, and monitor and review the implementation.

